Nope, you’ll just have to find this sucker, sitting in a container at the bottom of a random pond. The Alien Blaster is an exotic energy weapon that doesn’t drop from enemies, and you won’t earn it in a quest. Damage on the weapon is middling at best (50 damage without any perks), but it’s a fun gun to add to your arsenal – especially if you’re still a low-level explorer.There is exactly one Alien Blaster you can acquire in Fallout 76 - and it doesn’t even come with ammo. The ammo mod changes the ammunition type to fusion cell (at the expense of damage) and changes the magazine capacity from 42 to 63 (although the description incorrectly says it actually lowers magazine capacity). If you run out – don’t worry, the weapon can be modded, just like other Fallout 4 guns. Thankfully, the alien has a significant supply of ammunition for his gun. Kill the alien, and take his pistol and ammo.Inside the cave, you’ll find the alien resting against the cave wall.If you’re having trouble finding the cave, it’s due East of Oberland Station. Follow the blood trail to a small, unmarked cave. Because it’s alien blood, it’s green (naturally). Once you’ve located the ship, look for blood.The reason for the fire is obvious if you look around enough – there’s a crashed space ship located nearby. If you venture Southeast from Oberland Station, you’ll see trees on fire (this is easily visible at night).Oberland Station is a customizable settlement, and you can access the workshop there after completing a mission for the settlers. Look for the railroad tracks, and you should have no problem locating it. It’s East of the Water Treatment Plant and South of the Beantown Brewery. If you’re unable to view the video, here are the details:

It should come as little surprise, then that there is an alien weapon in Fallout 4. It can be a little difficult to find (there’s only one in the game), so here’s a quick guide to locating the unique weapon: We’ve known this for awhile, even before Fallout 3’s downloadable content Mothership Zeta. Mankind is not alone in the Fallout universe.